Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Where's Mr. Woodard?

Students created their own version of "Where's Waldo?" in Bethpage Elementary with "Where's Mr. Woodard?", our beloved principal.  The "Where's Waldo?" book was produced by Brittish illustrator Martin Handford in 1987.  Handford had been drawing crowd scenes since he was a young boy, and felt as though crowds contained a certain kind of excitement he wanted to capture on paper.

Monday, February 26, 2018

3rd Grade's Snowy Winter Scene

3rd grade are finishing their winter scene.  We talked about the principle of art pertaining to symmetry as well as foreground, middle-ground and background.

5th Grade Masks

5th grade are finishing their masks...great project!

Mask making has been around since prehistoric times and continue to be a craft of many cultures around the world today.  We have created our masks out of metal, not to be worn but appreciated as they hang on our walls at home.

Experience the World of View Master!

The kids have loved looking into these nostalgic stereo viewers!

View-Master's history begins in the 1930's when William Gruber created a camera for taking special stereoscopic photographs, then designed a hand-held viewer for viewing them.  The idea was initially intended for adult educational purposes, but evolved into becoming a well known form of entertainment for all ages.  The interchangeable slides gives us a glimpse into different places and times in a realistic, three-dimensional way---an old school approach to augmented reality.  

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Right Brain/Left Brain Exercises

Right Brain/Left Brain Exercises

Students and I talked about the fact that the left side of the brain is responsible for controlling the right side of the body, while the right side of the brain is responsible for controlling the left side of the body.  

Interestingly, the left side of the brain perform the tasks that have to do with logical thinking, sequencing, science and math.   The right side of the brain perform tasks that have to do with creativity and art.

We used both hemispheres of the brain as we enter into the beginning stage of a collage:


Welcome Back Bethpage Students, We Have Missed You!

 Welcome Back Bethpage Students, We Have Missed You! These first couple of weeks are basically start up weeks.  We are getting used to being...