Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Artwork for the Month of November

November Artwork of the Month

By Jillian Fowler, K

Visit to the FRIST Art Museum

Wonderful 3rd Grade Art Field Trip to the FRIST Art Museum!

     We had a wonderful time viewing the work of author/illustrator Eric Carle as he celebrates the 50th year of his famous picture book, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”.  We got an up close look at his creative thought process behind the developing and making of his beautiful books.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Artwork for the Month of October

October Artwork of the Month

“Fall” by Cole Reynolds

Hatch Show Print

Hatch Show Print

    We had a wonderful experience with Nashville’s Hatch Show Print!  This was a unique opportunity to get a first-hand look at the craft of letterpress printing.  The Hatch Show Print is a print shop that owns and uses one of the oldest working letterpresses in America.  

Artwork for the Month of September

September Artwork of the Month

                      By Jase Schaffhouser, 4th Grade

Thursday, January 16, 2020


We are striving and thriving toward S.T.E.A.M. here at Bethpage Elementary School!

     In first grade we discussed how roller coasters run without engines.  A roller coaster builds potential energy as it is lifted up a hill.  As the coaster falls it accelerates and builds kinetic energy to propel itself through the rest of the ride.  We simulated our own roller coaster through designing a marble roll.  Students worked together in small groups and created unique coasters, being sure their design allowed marbles to flow freely and smoothly throughout their travel:

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Artwork for the Month of August

August Artwork of the Month

Lion with Lines by Grady McGaughey 1st Grade

Ish by Peter Reynolds

     Many of us get too wrapped up in believing the art we create has to be perfect, but there is no right way and no wrong way of creating art.  Art is about the process of making things that make us happy.  This is the idea behind the book ish by Peter Reynolds.  The main character, Ramon, is discouraged because he does not think his drawings are “just right” enough.  He would draw something on a piece of paper only to throw it away out of frustration.  Later he finds that his sister is his biggest fan,  keeping all of his thrown away artwork.  His sister tells Ramon that his artwork is related to what he has drawn, for instance, a fish Ramon drew looks “fish-ish”, thus ish.

We have had a fantastic start to our new school year 2019-2020!

We began art class this year by reading the story "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds, emphasizing the fact that we all have an artist inside us, we just need the confidence to try.  


Welcome Back Bethpage Students, We Have Missed You!

 Welcome Back Bethpage Students, We Have Missed You! These first couple of weeks are basically start up weeks.  We are getting used to being...