Hey kids, let’s try our hand at drawing some mandalas using the art idea of Radial Balance. A mandala is a circular image that illustrates lines, shapes and colors radiating out from a center point.
Supplies Needed:You will need washable markers, coffee filters and a spray bottle with water. An optional item would be a sharpie or any type of permanent marker.
First Step:Begin by laying the coffee filter out flat. Visualize how you want your artwork to look in the end before using any art materials. Here are some ideas-
Second Step: Start designing! You may draw first some designs with a permanent marker, but not necessary. Be thoughtful about the colors you use...complimentary colors next to one another would be very nice: yellow next to purple, red next to green, and blue next to orange.
Third Step: Spray whole filter with water and watch colors soften and mix together slightly. The coffee filter diffuses the color.
Last: When dry, think of how you can add to your work, or what you can make out of it. How will you display it. Look below for ideas and possibly write a short story telling about your object. If you have something you want to share please send it to me and I’ll post it on the blog!