Monday, April 6, 2020

Continuing with Symmetry-Grades K-2

Continuing with Symmetry-Grades K-2

This week let’s have some fun making little creatures using homemade paint and  

the art idea of Symmetry.  

1st Step:  Make paint by following instructions in the following video

2nd Step:  Create!  Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half.  

3rd Step:  Paint on only one side of your paper.  You can use a variety of colors or just a few, whatever you would like.

4th Step:  The fun part, fold the paper and squash the paint in between pages just a little so as to not let the paint drop outside the paper and make a mess.

Last:  Viola, Symmetry!  Now decide on what creature you have made and add legs and antenna how you see fit!  If you have something to share send it to me and I’ll post on it the blog.

Welcome Back Bethpage Students, We Have Missed You!

 Welcome Back Bethpage Students, We Have Missed You! These first couple of weeks are basically start up weeks.  We are getting used to being...